The Bradley-Terry model is a simple model to rank different individuals. This is done by assuming that
\(P(i\text{ beats } j)=\frac{p_i}{p_i+p_j}.\)
Where \(p_k\) is some fitness value for the players. This simple model can be extended to include ties, home side advantages etc, but for now we will limit ourselves to the simple case.
A feature of this model is that if \(i\) is twice as likely to beat \(j\) than \(j\) is to beat \(i\) we will have that \(p_i=2p_j\). However, if absolute differences are desired one can use \(p_k=e^{S\beta_k}\) such that \(\beta_i=\beta_j+\gamma\) for some \(\gamma\) when \(i\) is twice as likely to beat \(j\). In fact the Elo-rating system uses \(S=\frac{\log(10)}{400}\). Since scaling can be done afterwards we will use \(p_k=e^{\beta_k}\).
We will now derive the maximum likelihood estimate and the associated confidence intervals.
Let us take \(w_{ij}\) to be the amount of times that \(i\) has beaten \(j\). Then the likelihood of \(i\) beating \(j\) \(w_{ij}\) times and \(j\) beating \(i\) \(w_{ji}\) times is given by
We can use this to determine the squared likelihood function for all results (it is squared since all results are considered exactly twice).
This will result in the following log-likelihood
2l(\boldsymbol{\beta}) &= \sum^n_{i}\sum^n_{j}\left[\log\left(\binom{w_{ij}+w_{ji}}{w_{ij}}\right)+w_{ij}\log\left(\frac{e^{\beta_i}}{e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}}\right)+w_{ji}\log\left(\frac{e^{\beta_j}}{e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}}\right)\right]\\
&\sim \sum^n_{i}\sum^n_{j}\left[w_{ij}\log\left(\frac{e^{\beta_i}}{e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}}\right)+w_{ji}\log\left(\frac{e^{\beta_j}}{e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}}\right)\right]\\
So, the log-likelihood is given by,
\[l(\boldsymbol{\beta})= \sum^n_{i}\sum^n_{j}w_{ij}\log\left(\frac{e^{\beta_i}}{e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}}\right)=\sum^n_{i}\sum^n_{j}w_{ij}\left(\beta_i-\log\left(e^{\beta_i}+e^{\beta_j}\right)\right).\]
We get the maximum likelihood estimate for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) by maximizing \(l(\boldsymbol{\beta})\). While it is possible to this with a numerical method like Newton’s method, there is a more clever way.
Maximizing the log-likelihood
To maximize the likelihood we will use a method first given by Zermelo in 1929. Given any starting \(\boldsymbol{\beta}^{(0)}\), we update it in the following way
\(\beta_k^{(t+1)}=\ln\left(\sum^n_{j=1}w_{kj}\right)-\ln\left(\sum_{j\ne k}\frac{w_{kj}+w_{jk}}{e^{\beta_k^{(t)}}+e^{\beta_j^{(t)}}}\right).\)
This will ensure that the sequence \({\boldsymbol{\beta}^{(t)}}\) will converge to the maximum likelihood estimator. To ensure uniqueness all that is required to keep a \(\beta_k\) fixed.
Confidence intervals
To determine the confidence intervals for the parameters we will make use of the likelihood ratio test. If \(\Theta_0\) is a restriction on the full parameter space \(\Theta\), then likelihood test statistic is given by
Asymptotically we have that \(\lambda_{\text{LR}}\xrightarrow{d}\chi^2\). Here the \(\chi ^{2}\) distribution has degrees of freedom equal to the difference in dimensionality of \(\Theta\) and \(\Theta_0\).
Subsequently, \(A_k\) is a 95 percent confidence interval for \(\beta_k\) if,
\[x\in A_k \Leftrightarrow \lambda_{LR}\le\chi^2_{1,0.95} \text{ using } \Theta_0=\{\boldsymbol{\beta}\in\mathbb{R}^n|\beta_k=x\}.\]
Note that since \(l(\boldsymbol{\beta})\) is concave \(A_k\) will be convex and therefore connected. As \(A_k\) is connected it is defined by its endpoints. We can approximate these by noting the following:
\[\text{sup}_{\boldsymbol{\beta}\in\Theta_0}l(\boldsymbol{\beta})\approx l(\boldsymbol{\beta}^*+x\cdot e_k)\text{ with }\boldsymbol{\beta}^*=\text{argsup}_{\boldsymbol{\beta}\in\Theta}l(\boldsymbol{\beta}).\]
Which will give use that
\(\lambda_{\text{LR}}\approx 2l(\boldsymbol{\beta}^*) - 2l(\boldsymbol{\beta}^*+x\cdot e_k)=-2x\sum^n_{j\ne k}w_{kj}+2\sum^n_{j\ne k}\left(w_{kj}+w_{jk}\right)\left(\ln\left(e^{\beta_k+x}+e^{\beta_j}\right)-\ln\left(e^{\beta_k}+e^{\beta_j}\right)\right).\)
Then the endpoints of \(A_k\) can by computed by finding the two roots of \(\lambda_{\text{LR}}-\chi^2_{1,0.95}=0\).
I have written a small program to compute the maximum likelihood estimate and their 95 percent confidence intervals. To solve \(\lambda_{\text{LR}}-\chi^2_{1,0.95}=0\) Newton’s method was used. The program will read an excel csv file which is structured like so
The code can be found here.