Lured and trapped: A poisoned rook
This is a blitz game that I recently played, the game has been altered slightly to better show the idea.
Anatoly Donchenko (2233) - Daan Noordenbos (2107)
Online Blitz, 2022.03.09
1.♘f3 d6 2.d4 g6 3.g3 ♗g7 4.♗g2 ♘f6 5.O-O O-O 6.b3 Here I saw an opportunity for an exchange sacrifice b5?! A very provocative move. Seeing that I get good compensation for the exchange sacrifice I decide to grab space and neutralize white’s light square bishop.
6…e5 This would result in a more usual Kings Indian 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.♗a3 ♖e8 9.♕xd8 ♖xd8 10.♘c3 7.♘e5!?
7.♗b2 ♗b7 8.♕d3 a6 9.c4 ♘bd7 It is best for white to try attack the possibly weak b5 pawn 10.♘bd2 e6= 7…dxe5 8.dxe5
8.♗xa8 c6! The white bishop is toast
8…exd4 9.♗g2 This was the initial idea, however black can do better
8…♘fd7 9.♗xa8 ♗xe5 10.c3 c6 The question now is, can white recover their bishop. 11.♗h6 ♖e8 12.a4 b4 Keeping lines closed is important 13.♕c2??
13.♘d2! White must part ways with material and get good play in the mean time. This a very position and it is not quite clear how white survives this. ♗xc3
13…♕c7 14.cxb4 ♘b6! Very precise 15.♘c4 ♘xa8 16.♘xe5 ♕xe5 17.♗f4 ♕e4! 18.♕d2
18.f3 ♕xb4
18.♗xb8 18…♗h3 18…♗a6 19.♖fe1 Equal material, but if black gets his pieces to the right squares he can press for the advantage. 14.♘e4! ♗xa1 15.♕xa1 f6 16.♖d1 Black’s position is shaky, but white still has his bishop trapped ♕a5 17.♕d4 ♘b6 18.♗f4 ♗f5 19.♗b7 White still has many resources ♕c7
13…♘b6 14.♕e4 ♕c7 Most clean 14.♖a2 ♘b6 15.♗xc6 ♕xc6 16.c4 Now the win is a matter of time.
16.cxb4 Objectively best, but this opens the position which makes it even harder for white ♗e6 16…♘a6 17.♘d2 ♗b7 18.f3 ♗d4+ 19.♔g2 ♘c5 20.♖d1 a5 21.♘f1 ♗g7 22.♗xg7 ♔xg7 23.♖b2 h5 24.h4 e5 25.e4 ♘e6 26.♘e3 ♘d4 27.♕d3 ♕c5 28.♘d5 ♗c8 29.♖bd2 ♘d7 30.♕e3 ♘e6 31.♔f2 ♕xe3+ 32.♔xe3 ♘d4 33.♖d3 ♘c5 34.♖xd4 exd4+ 35.♔xd4 ♘xb3+ 36.♔e3 ♖d8 37.♖b1 ♘c5 38.♔d4 ♘e6+ 39.♔e5 ♗d7 40.♖c1 ♖b8 41.c5 ♗xa4 42.c6 b3 43.c7 ♘xc7 44.♘xc7 b2 45.♖e1 ♗c2 46.♘d5 b1=Q 0-1