Daan Noordenbos

Coronation inevitable: Passed pawns pack a punch

In this (blitz) game I sacrificed my queen to avoid dull suffering, the result was a marvelous swindle.

Daan Noordenbos (2465) - FutureFMfromTR (2513)

Online Blitz (1), 2021.02.04

1.e4 c5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.♘xd4 g6 5.c4 ♘f6 6.♘c3 ♘xd4?! 7.♕xd4 d6 8.♗e2 ♗g7 9.h3?!

9.♗e3 More logical O-O 10.♕d2 ♘g4 I was not satisfied with this 11.♗f4 ♗e6 However this is fine 9…O-O 10.♗e3? ♘g4 11.hxg4?! Objectively this is of course bad

11.♕d2 ♘xe3 12.♕xe3 ♕a5 13.♖c1 b6 14.O-O ♗b7 15.♗d3 ♖ac8 here white would be suffering 11…♗xd4 12.♗xd4 e5 This removes tricks from the position

12…♗d7 13.O-O-O ♖c8 14.♖xh7! A neat trick e5

14…♔xh7 15.♖h1+ ♔g8 16.♖h8# 15.♖dh1 exd4 16.♘d5 And black nearly gets mated 13.♗e3 ♗e6 14.♖d1 ♕c8 15.♖xd6 ♖d8? Black gives a pawn to trade pieces 16.♖xd8+ ♕xd8 17.O-O ♕e7 18.♖d1 b6 19.g5 ♖d8 20.♖xd8+ My goal is to create some sort of a fortress with my g5 pawn ♕xd8 21.♘d5 ♗xd5 22.exd5 h6! Dismanteling any possible fortress 23.gxh6 f5 24.f4? Now white only has tricks ♕f6 25.c5! The start of a swindle, black is given too many ways to win and has to choose exf4 26.cxb6!! Black probably thought this was a hopeless attempt fxe3??

26…axb6 Still winning 27.bxa7 A study like position 27…♕d8 The best square. Black is looking at b6

27…♕f8 This is losing time, the queen is the most active on d8 and will go there in short order 28.d6 ♔h7 29.b4 f4 30.b5 ♕d8 Black has lost a tempo 31.b6 ♔xh6 32.b7 ♕h4 33.a8=Q ♕f2+= 28.d6 28…♕a8

28…g5 The critical try 29.d7 Most precise

29.b4? It takes the engine a lot of time to refute this move g4 30.g3 ♔f7!! The move the engine dismisses from a far 31.h7 ♔g6 32.b5

32.d7 f4 The same idea 32…f4!! Another amazing move, black is simply going for mate 33.♗xg4

33.gxf4 ♔f5! Whit will get mated 34.d7 g3 35.b6 ♕h4 33…fxg3 34.♔g2 ♕h4 35.a8=Q ♕h2+ 36.♔f3 ♕h1+ 37.♔xg3 ♕xa8 29…g4 30.g3 ♔f7 31.h7 ♔e7 32.♗a6!! e2

32…f4 33.gxf4 ♔xd7 34.♗b7 ♕b6 35.♗c6+

35.a8=Q e2+ 36.♔g2 e1=Q And there are no good checks with the king on d7 ♔d6

35…♕xc6 36.h8=Q 36.a8=Q e2+ 37.♔g2 e1=Q 38.♕f8+ ♔xc6 39.♕h6+ ♔c5 40.♕xb6+ ♔xb6 41.h8=Q

32…♔xd7 33.♗b7 ♕b6 34.h8=Q e2+ 35.♔h2 ♕f2+ 36.♗g2 e1=Q= perpetual check 33.♔f2 ♕b6+ 34.♔e1 ♕a5+ 35.b4! The last amazing defence ♕xb4+ 36.♔xe2 And black has nothing better than a perpetual ♕b2+ 37.♔e3 ♕e5+ 38.♔d2 ♕d4+ 39.♔e2 ♕e4+ 40.♔d2 ♕g2+ 41.♔c1 ♕g1+

41…♕a8 42.♗b7 The whole point, blacks queen is simply overloaded ♕xa7 43.d8=Q+ ♔xd8 44.h8=Q+ 42.♔c2 ♕c5+ 43.♔b2 29.d7 ♔h7 30.♔f1 Going out of the discovered check

30.♗f3 ♕xa7 31.d8=Q e2+ 32.♔h2 e1=Q 30…♕d5 31.♔g1 ♕a8 32.♔f1

32.b4 White can play on ♕h8

32…♔xh6 33.b5 ♕h8 34.b6 ♕a1+ 35.♔h2 ♕h8 36.b7 ♔g5+ 37.♔g1 ♕a1+= 33.g3 ♕c3 34.♔g2 ♕e1 35.a8=Q ♕xe2+ 36.♔h3 ♕h5+ 37.♔g2 ♕e2+= 32…♕d5 33.♔g1 ♕a8 Both players did not dare risk it in the complication. White successfully swindeled their way out of it 1/2-1/2